What happens in a session?

Margery provides explicit instruction on letter-sound relations, syllable types, vocabulary, spelling, reading comprehension and writing skills. Instruction is individualized and age appropriate.

How often should we meet?

To be effective, it is best to meet at least twice a week and to complete the entire program.

How long does it take?

There is no one-size-fits-all time frame.  Best results are achieved when there is sufficient duration of instruction to cover all the content.

What does it cost?

Rates are reasonable.  Margery contracts for fall, spring and summer semesters.  Students may start at any time depending on the availability of time slots.   Margery does not charge for an initial meeting and welcomes inquiries about her services.

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Margery Katz, M.A.
Dyslexia Reading Tutor


Margery Katz provides evidence-based, multisensory reading instruction for children and adults with dyslexia.

Multisensory structured language instruction utilizes four learning pathways in the brain—visual, auditory, kinesthetic and tactile.

Does Margery diagnose dyslexia?

No, Margery does not diagnose dyslexia. Clients usually come to Margery either by referral from a neuropsychologist or medical doctor or directly from a parent suspecting his/her child has dyslexia. A diagnosis of dyslexia is not necessary to start or receive Margery’s services but may be helpful for the student or parent long term.

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